
Marvel Dice Throne

Created by Dice Throne

Become your favorite Marvel Hero in this fast & exhilarating game of skilled card & dice play. ©️ 2021 MARVEL

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Issue #24 - Additional Details & BackerKit FAQs
about 3 years ago – Wed, Dec 22, 2021 at 11:40:38 PM

TL;DR: we've provided more details below, for anyone still having trouble filling out their pledges.


After the last update, we realized that we could have been more clear regarding BackerKit surveys and how they work, especially as we're so lucky to have so many fans who are new to Kickstarter. Please accept our apologies, and see below for a (hopefully) much more detailed explanation that might answer more of your questions.

What is BackerKit?

BackerKit is a pledge manager that will collect your shipping information and allow you to make changes to your pledge if you would like to do that. Kickstarter collects the funds for the pledge you made, and BackerKit will collect the applicable shipping and taxes. Without the correct shipping address, we cannot calculate the appropriate shipping costs or ship your rewards to you.

When will BackerKit process payments for shipping and taxes?

These will process on December 31st.

How do I know if I have filled out the BackerKit survey?

You can visit the BackerKit page here:

Once there you will need to log in using the same email address that Kickstarter has on file for you. (If you use an Apple ID for Kickstarter, please see more information below). If you have not yet created a BackerKit account, you can create one (Option 1). If you just want to retrieve your survey you can do that (Option 2). If either of these options do not work for you, you can ask for assistance (Option 3).

Once you are logged in, if you see a screen like this you will know that your survey is complete:

If you do not see this screen, please follow the prompts to finalize your information.

I use an Apple ID for my Kickstarter account, how do I access BackerKit?

Apple assigns a Relay ID to keep your email address private. That Relay ID will look something like this: [email protected]. If you know your private relay email ID, you can use that to log in to BackerKit. If you do not know that Relay ID, please send us a message via the Kickstarter messaging system so we can find your account and send you a link. (You can use this link to send that message:

Why does my shipping look so high?

We are only able to ship to the countries listed on the Campaign Page. If your address is in a country/region not listed on this chart, the shipping will default to a value of $10,000 to signify that there is an issue. If you believe this is an error, please first verify that you have entered your address fully and completely, and if the error persists, please contact us via [email protected]

I did a Late Pledge, do I need to fill out a survey?

No, if you did a Late Pledge then BackerKit already has all of the information it needs for your order.

What if my question isn’t answered here?

Please contact us via [email protected] so we can assist you.

Missed The Deadline?

You can still place a late pledge HERE!

New orders placed in the pledge manager will be considered "Late Pledges" and will not receive the free Promo Pack (although it may still be added on for an additional charge). This will be the LAST opportunity to order / add-on the Limited Edition Battle Chest. Once the pledge manager closes on December 31, all new orders placed at will be considered "Preorders" and will not have access to all of the same options, bundles, and prices offered during the campaign.

All orders placed before fulfillment begins will have their order shipped at the same time as regular backers.

We'll be back in early January with another update.

Keep Rollin' Sixes,

Gavan, Nate, Manny, Aaron & Team Roxley

Follow Dice Throne in ALL the places!

© 2021 MARVEL

Issue #23 - Get Those BackerKit Surveys Filled Out! PAX Unplugged ROCKED!
about 3 years ago – Mon, Dec 20, 2021 at 07:34:52 PM

TL;DR: TWO WEEKS REMAIN to get your BackerKit survey filled out. Thanks to all who came out to join us at PAX Unplugged!

Time Is Running Out!

There are TWO WEEKS left to complete your BackerKit survey before it closes and charges your cards. Please make sure that your survey is complete by December 31st, or we will not be able to guarantee that you will receive your rewards from this Kickstarter.  (NOTE this does NOT mean you will lose your money with no recompense or refund; we will follow up with you if you end up in this situation and help you with what options we can still arrange.)

If you have not received your survey, please make sure to check all spam and promotional folders for the email address associated with your Kickstarter account. 

If your payment cannot be processed when the BackerKit closes, you will receive a notification allowing you to update your payment method. Please make sure to do this as soon as possible, as BackerKit will attempt to process the payment automatically at regular intervals.

A Note For Apple Users:

If you use an Apple ID for Kickstarter, it is very likely that you have not received your survey. Please send a message THROUGH KICKSTARTER with an email address that you can be reached through. This will allow us to find your backer ID, as we will not be able to match your email to the Apple ID email used on the account.

The Dice Throne/Roxley team wants to send out HUGE thanks to all of the fans, volunteers, and team members who joined us at PAX Unplugged! Our booth was packed from start to finish with people demoing Marvel Dice Throne and our other games, and we are SO glad so many people came out to give it a shot.

The booth before the storm - check out that awesome Marvel Dice Throne banner!
The demos are in full swing!
Hey, wait - is that Gavan?
"This does put a smile on my face."
Greatest Demo Team EVER!

Missed The Deadline?

You can still place a late pledge HERE!

New orders placed in the pledge manager will be considered "Late Pledges" and will not receive the free Promo Pack (although it may still be added on for an additional charge). This will be the LAST opportunity to order / add-on the Limited Edition Battle Chest. Once the pledge manager closes on December 31, all new orders placed at will be considered "Preorders" and will not have access to all of the same options, bundles, and prices offered during the campaign.

All orders placed before fulfillment begins will have their order shipped at the same time as regular backers.

So tell us... is everyone loving Hawkeye as much as we are? Do you think it'll join Die Hard as traditional Christmas viewing? And are you as stoked as we are for SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME?

(Remember: friends don't let friends post spoilers!)

We'll be back in early January with another update.

Keep Rollin' Sixes,

Gavan, Nate, Manny, Aaron & Team Roxley

Follow Dice Throne in ALL the places!

© 2021 MARVEL

Issue #22 - BackerKit Launching! Black Widow Coming To TTS!
about 3 years ago – Tue, Dec 07, 2021 at 06:12:30 PM

TL;DR: BackerKit surveys are being sent, cards will be charged for shipping and add-ons on December 31st when the BackerKit closes. The TTS demo for Marvel Dice Throne will be updated this weekend to include Black Widow. See you at PAX!

BackerKit Update:

Smoke Tests were sent out on November 30. For those who are unfamiliar, these go out to 5% of the backers to make sure everything is operating properly in the surveys. We will be sending out the rest of the surveys once we confirm that there are no hiccups.

If you want to adjust your pledge or add on any additional items, this is your chance! Everyone who pledged for at least $1 during the campaign should see the option to "switch your pledge level" when you start your survey.

IMPORTANT NOTE - This will be the LAST opportunity to order / add-on the Limited Edition Battle Chest. Once the pledge manager closes on December 31st, you will not be able to order this anymore!

Your payment for shipping, and any additional items you added, will be collected on December 31st when the BackerKit closes. If you would like to have your payment collected sooner than that, please email [email protected] once you are ready and we will work to get that taken care of as quickly as possible for you.

IMPORTANT NOTE - If you enter a shipping address that is not in one of the countries we can ship to, the shipping charge will show up as $10,000 USD. If you believe this is incorrect, please contact us at [email protected].

If you have any additional questions regarding your survey, please contact us at [email protected].

As posted before, we are excited to provide a DEMO of Marvel Dice Throne for those of you who have Tabletop Simulator, to get a sample of gameplay! In addition to the previously available Black Panther, Captain Marvel, and Thor, you will very soon also be able to demo Black Widow (we plan to have this available tomorrow, but it is possible it may take another business day or two to properly upload). You can find the mod HERE.

Please note: This added hero is a one-time exception, there are no plans to further expand the hero selection, to release these heroes on other platforms, or to release the complete game on any digital platform. Marvel Dice Throne is NOT a digital product, this demo is just a sample of the tabletop experience in a simulation. Art, design, rules, and function may vary in the final physical product.

Missed the Deadline?

You can still place a late pledge HERE!

New orders placed in the pledge manager will be considered "Late Pledges" and will not receive the free Promo Pack (although it may still be added on for an additional charge). This will be the LAST opportunity to order / add-on the Limited Edition Battle Chest. Once the pledge manager closes on December 31, all new orders placed at will be considered "Preorders" and will not have access to all of the same options, bundles, and prices offered during the campaign.

All orders placed before fulfillment begins will have their order shipped at the same time as regular backers

We'll be back mid-December with another update.

Keep Rollin' Sixes,

Gavan, Nate, Manny, Aaron & Team Roxley

Follow Dice Throne in ALL the places!

© 2021 MARVEL

Issue #21 - Coloring Contest Winners!
about 3 years ago – Thu, Nov 18, 2021 at 03:17:29 AM

Coloring Contest Winners Below.

It's time to announce the winners! With an incredible 227 total entries, this was SO much fun for us to look through; we loved your creativity, skills, and enthusiasm!

Our overall winner was Ben Krefta, with an overwhelming 42 votes. Amazing work, Ben!

Our other three winners, chosen by the Dice Throne Community:

And our lucky four additional winners, chosen by dice roll:

To our lucky eight winners, please contact [email protected], and we'll get you set up with your rewards!

Q. Will copies of the game that I add on or upgrade to in the pledge manager still be the same as the ones in the campaign, with everything included?

A. Yes! If you pledged during the campaign, everything you add in BackerKit will also be treated as if you added it during the campaign. (New Late Pledges placed on BackerKit after the campaign *can* still get everything, but the Promo Pack will be an additional charge.)

We'll be back soon with another update! As always, a huge thank you goes out to the fans who help each other out with the more commonly asked questions.

(For customer service questions, please message [email protected]. Please note that our volume of incoming messages is very high during an active Kickstarter, and allow additional time for our team to get back to you.)

THANK you all for all your support! This has been an awesome campaign!

Keep Rollin' Sixes,

Gavan, Nate, Manny, Aaron & Team Roxley

Follow Dice Throne in ALL the places!

© 2021 MARVEL

about 3 years ago – Wed, Nov 17, 2021 at 06:26:51 PM

Firstly, our thanks go out to you, our backers and supporters, for believing in this project and helping us to make it a reality. Marvel Dice Throne has been a dream of the our team for a long time now, and we are humbled and grateful that so many of you assembled to lend your support to help make this game a reality. None of this could have happened without you!

We are especially grateful to those members of the community who have been with us along the journey, answering questions for other backers. All the Joels and Michaels and Dans and Ricks; we see you, we appreciate you, and we are so very lucky to have you here with us.

And of course, our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation goes out to everyone on the Dice Throne and Roxley teams, for all the amazing work that has gone into creating this game and bringing it to Kickstarter, and will go into bringing it soon to your tables. 

Thank you all. 

Kickstarter Payment Processing

Kickstarter will bill your pledge to the credit card associated to your Kickstarter account. If there are any issues, they will automatically try to resolve them for several days; this process takes care of itself in most cases, but if you have something special that needs to be asked or addressed, you can try to reach their support department if necessary at support (at)

NOTE: Team Roxley does not have access to their payment and support portal during this time. We'll be happy to support you with any issues you have, but it will have to wait until they are finished and export the backer list to us.

The Pledge Manager

Over the next couple of weeks, we will be finalizing and testing the pledge manager. (Once we have this setup, we can start to assist backers who have any issues Kickstarter could not resolve.) 

When this is finished (target date: December 1st), you'll be sent a survey link from BackerKit; in that survey, you'll have the option to confirm your pledge, upgrade, add additional copies, provide your shipping address, and take care of shipping. 

Missed the Deadline?

You can still place a late pledge HERE!

New orders placed in the pledge manager will be considered "Late Pledges" and will not receive the free Promo Pack (although it may still be added on for an additional charge). Once the pledge manager closes on December 31, all new orders placed at will be considered "Preorders" and will not have access to all of the same options, bundles, and prices offered during the campaign.

All orders placed before fulfillment begins will have their order shipped at the same time as regular backers.

Ongoing Updates

As with our other Kickstarter projects, we want to keep our supporters up to date with all the news, so we will be publishing continuing updates until the games have been fulfilled (even if there's sometimes no real news to report, we still want to stay in touch; it's what we would prefer in your shoes).

Keep Rollin' Sixes,

Gavan, Nate, Manny, Aaron & Team Roxley

Follow Dice Throne in ALL the places!

© 2021 MARVEL